Singing Guide: Yann Walcker

Singing Guide: Yann Walcker

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If You Want to Sing Like Yann Walcker

Yann Walcker has a smooth and delicate voice characterized by clarity and control. To sing like him, you need to focus on improving your voice control and developing a smooth style.

Breathing and Diaphragm Control

Good breath control is core to any vocalist. Practice exercises that strengthen your diaphragm's control, like the Farinelli Breathing exercise.

Opening Mouth and Throat

Practice opening your mouth and throat to create a clear, resonant sound. Singing Carrots has a useful article on this topic, entitled: Why to Open Mouth and Throat While Singing.

Voice Registers

Master the ability to regulate voice registers, which will enable you to switch from falsetto to full-throated singing effortlessly. To start, build the basics of a solid chest voice. Singing Carrots has an instructional video on Chest Voice Explained that can help guide this process.

Pitch Accuracy

Developing proper pitch accuracy is critical for mimicking catchy melodies with wide intervals. Singing Carrots has valuable exercises to help you work on pitch accuracy. Try the Pitch Accuracy Test and Pitch Training exercises.

Educational Singing Course

Enroll in a beginner's educational singing course from Singing Carrots to expand and refine your understanding of fundamental singing skills.

By incorporating these pieces of advice into your training regimen, you can develop a singing style similar to that of Yann Walcker.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.